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[mgp-users-jp 01041] "城市规划、建筑设计和室内装修计算机辅助设计(CAD)国际培训班"

Dear Sir or Madam:

Mandated by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center will conduct International Training Course on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration. This training course will be held in Guangzhou from Nov. 10th to 24th, 2002. Its curricula consist of theory course, case study and professional investigation. The Chinese Government will cover the expenditure of accommodation, local transportation and training expense during the training course in Guangzhou for the participant. International traveling expense will be borne by the participants themselves.

Enclosed are the first round admission notice for the training course and an Application Form.

Welcome to joint us.

We are looking forward to your reply. The deadline is June 30th, 2002.

Truly yours,

Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center

Mr.Lichun_Xu  Mr.Jialin_Yan

The Training Course of
The Ministry of Science and Technology
The People's Republic of China

International Training Course on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration

NOV. 10th to 24th, 2002

Guangzhou, China

Sponsored by
                          Department of International Cooperation of MOST
Organized by
Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center

The Ministry of Science and Technology of China is a governmental department that is responsible for the formulation and implementation of national science and technology R&D plans. One of its important missions is to strength international cooperation in science and technology training workshop/courses, especially with developing countries. Since 1989, international technical training workshop/courses on various subjects have been conducted in China every year under the auspices of Ministry of Science and Technology of China as a part of its international scientific and technological cooperation programs. The International Training Courses on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration will be organized by Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center in Guangzhou city on Nov. 10th to 24th, 2002. The training course will be supported by China Association for International S&T Cooperation and Center of Torch Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

Training Course Description
1.	Objectives
1) To introduce the achievement of research and development on software in China;
2) To display the technology developed by Chinese on Computer Aided Design
  (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration;
3) To promote the bilateral cooperation and exchange on software;

2.	Duration
Nov.10th to 24th, 2002
3.	Location
South-China University of Technology and
4.	Weather
It is usually fine in Nov. in Guangzhou with temperature ranging from 18掳C to 28 掳C.
5.	Working Language

This training course consists of lectures, case study and salon ran by professional software designers to exchange experiences among participants. Main Courses are as followers:
1. The development trend on CAD of architecture industry in China;
2. The Characteristic on CAD of Chinese architecture industry and its adaptability to developing countries;
3. The effectively method to extend computer application software and experience;
   4. The theory, application, maintenance and technical support on computer application software of architecture industry;
5.	Professional investigation and practice;

Applicants should
1.	have a Bachelor's Degree
2.	have a good experience in the field of CAD and relative software trade on City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration, also skillful in operating CAD.
3.	be capable of speaking and writing in English
4.	be in good health

1. Applicants should complete the enclosed Application Form with signature, your resume as well as brief introduction about your organization. Application Form should return back to the organizer before OCT 31, 2002.
2. Submit the Application Form with a health certificate, which must be valid, provided by authorized physician or hospital.

1.	International travel expenses of round trip ticket between participants' hometown and Guangzhou will be borne by the participants themselves.
2.	Registration fee is not necessary.
3.	Chinese government will cover the expenditure of local accommodation, local transportation and training expenses during the training courses for the participants from developing countries and economy transition countries.
4.	Participants should bear their own medical fee by themselves during the training courses.

Participants who have completed the study in the training course will be awarded a certificate jointly issued by the Department of International Cooperation of Ministry of S&T of China and Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center.

Guangzhou High-Tech Incubation Center (GZHTIC) established in 1991 as a state-owned, non-profit organization under the direct jurisdiction of Guangzhou Municipal Science & Technology Bureau was the first science and technology incubation center set up in Guangdong Province. GZHTIC located on Tianhe Dong Road, which is in the center of Tianhe District, has an office space of 11,000m2 with complete services facilities. With a convenient transportation network and surrounded by universities and technology research institutes.
It provides services for enterprises from China and abroad in the following aspects:
1.	Technological Support Services;
2.	Financing and Investment Services;
3.	Communion and Training Services;
4.	Commercial and Information Service;

For more information, please contact with:

Mr.  Lichun_Xu   Jialin_Yan
Address: Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center
Room 201, No. 242 of Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province, China                      Zip Code: 510620
Tel: 0086-20-85514199, 87598339       Fax: 0086-20-87502970,  85520676
E-mail: vanessa@ghtic.org.cn   jialin@chinaweal.com

The International Training Courses on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of
City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration

Name: Family Name_____________   Given Name____________
Sex: Male    Female (please delete as appropriate)
Date and Place of Birth_____________________________________         Photo
Nationality_______________________ Religion_________________
Occupation_______________________ Marital Status ____________
Postal Address______________________________________________
____________________________________  _ Zip Code________________________
Telephone_______________________________ Fax_____________________________
E-mail__________________________________ Health___________________________
Passport Number_________________________ Valid up to ___________________  _

Language ability of English (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)

Education (name of university or equivalent, degree obtained and major study)

Working Experiences (short summary of professional work)

Present Status
Name and address of the current employer______________________________________

Any requirement or suggestion to the training courses

Signature of Applicant__________________

Remarks: Please write in standard typography


1锛	瀛﹀憳椤绘潵鑷簹銆侀潪銆佹媺缇庢床鐨勫彂灞曚腑鍥藉鍜屽墠鐙仈浣撳浗瀹躲佷笢娆у悇鍥斤紝鍘熷垯涓婃瘡涓浗瀹剁殑瀛﹀憳浜烘暟涓嶈秴杩4浜恒傜粡绉戞妧閮ㄥ浗闄呭悎浣滃徃鎵瑰噯锛屾湰鍩硅鐝厑璁告嫑鏀舵瀬灏戦噺鐨勬腐銆佹境銆佸彴鍦板尯瀛﹀憳(2~3鍚)銆傚彂杈惧浗瀹跺鍛樿姹傚弬鍔犲煿璁紝璐圭敤鑷悊銆
2锛	瀛﹀憳搴斿叿澶囧ぇ瀛﹀鍘嗭紝鏈夊湪鍩庡競瑙勫垝銆佸鍐呰淇強寤虹瓚璁捐CAD琛屼笟鍙婄浉鍏宠涓氱殑宸ヤ綔缁忛獙锛岃兘鐢ㄨ嫳璇氦娴侊紝鎳傝绠楁満鎿嶄綔锛屽勾榫勬渶濂藉湪45宀佷互涓嬶紙浣嗕笉鍋氱壒鍒檺鍒讹級銆
3锛	瀵逛簬寤虹瓚銆佽楗板伐绋嬪叕鍙哥殑鎶鏈畼鍛樸佺浉鍏宠涓氬崗浼氱粍缁囩殑鎶鏈帹骞夸汉鍛樸佺浉鍏宠蒋浠剁粡閿鍏徃鐨勭粡鐞嗕汉鍛樸佹妧鏈敮鎸佷汉鍛樺拰鏀垮簻鐩稿叧涓荤閮ㄩ棬鐨勬妧鏈鐞嗗畼鍛樹紭鍏堟嫑鏀跺綍鍙栥
鑱旂郴浜猴細璁哥珛鏄 涓ュ楹
鐢佃瘽: 0086-20-85514199, 87598339  浼犵湡锛0086-20-87502970,  85520676
E-mail: vanessa@ghtic.org.cn   jialin@chinaweal.com


鍏嶈垂绱㈠彇璇曠敤锛歡zzzqq@163.com  QQ锛36768830